
JavaScript to bring typographic smartness to in-page editing. Smart quotes, ellipsis, em-dashes and more!

This project is maintained by sujeet

Hosted on GitHub Pages using the (modified) Dinky theme


TypeSmart is an extensible and customizable framework for making textareas and contenteditable elements “smart”. TypeSmart was built with the intention to bring typographic niceties to on-page editing spaces.


Try it

Try typing into the textarea below. Check out double and single quotes, ellipsis, and em-dash. I have thrown in a few smiley faces too... Try ":)", ":(" and "<3". A bunch of misc unicode symbols - try '/darkknight', '/tick', '/musicdoublenote' and '/rupee'. Also, paste some text and see...

Using TypeSmart

<!-- Source TypeSmart into your page. -->

<!-- Make editing areas smart by adding the classes
     'typeSmart' and 'typeSmartTypography' to them. -->
<textarea class='typeSmart typeSmartTypography'></textarea>
<div contenteditable='true' class='typeSmart typeSmartTypography'></div>

<!-- Activate TypeSmart by including the following just before </body> tag. -->
<script type='text/javascript'>

Customizing TypeSmart

<!-- Before initializing TypeSmart,
     you can define certain variables to extend TypeSmart 
     1) my_replacements     : Replace a string by another.
                              (workes for typed as well as pasted text)
     2) my_paste_modifiers  : Functions to modify text when it is pasted into.   
                              (only for pasted text)
     3) my_custom_triggers  : Functions to be executed after typing certain text.
                              (only for typed text)
<script type='text/javascript'>
  TypeSmart.my_replacements = {
    'typeSmartGreetings': {
      '/greet': 'Hello!',
      '/farewell': 'Bye!'
    'typeSmartRandom': {
      '<foo>': 'BAR'
  // The greetings will work in all editable areas who have 'typeSmartGreetings' class.
  // For example, in the following textarea,
  // <textarea class='typeSmart typeSmartGreetings typeSmartTypography'><textarea>
  // in addition to typographical features, the following will happen:
  // - Whenever you type '/greet' it will be replaced by 'Hello!'
  // - Whenever pasted text has '/greet', it will get replaced by 'Hello!'

  TypeSmart.my_paste_modifiers = {
    'typeSmartUppperCasePaste': {
      'this string can be anything (should be unique)':
           (function (text) {return text.toUpperCase();})
    'typeSmartLowerCasePaste' : {
      'make the text lowercase': (function (text) {return text.toLowerCase();})
  // For example, whenever some text is pasted into
  // <span contenteditable='true' class='typeSmart typeSmartCaseModPaste'></span>
  // instead of the original text, an all-caps version of the text will be pasted.
  // Function signature : Takes one string argument (pasted text) and returns one
  //                      string (text to be actually pasted)

  TypeSmart.insertRandomgreeting = function () {
    var greetings = ['hello',
    var random_greeting = greetings [Math.floor(Math.random() * greetings.length)];

    // Now insert the greeting at the cursor position
    Cursor.new().insert(random_greeting + "!");
    return false;

  TypeSmart.my_custom_triggers = {
    'typeSmartCommands': {
      '/randomGreeting': TypeSmart.insertRandomgreeting,
      '?!': (function () {Cursor.new().deleteBackward(1); return true;})
  // Whenever /randomGreeting is typed, it will be replaced by a random greeting
  // instead. To enable this, class 'typeSmartCommands' should be added to
  // the editing area.
  // Function signature: Takes no arguments.
  //                     Should do whatever needs to be done 
  //                     (inserting a random greeting in this case)
  //                     Should return false indicating that the last typed
  //                     character (here, 'g'), should not appear in editing area
  //                     Should return true if the last typed letter is intended
  //                     to appear. For example, the '?!' function deletes the
  //                     character immediately before '?', but also lets the
  //                     '!' to appear. So typing "reallyy?!" would actually
  //                     result in "really!".
